
Mastering Time

Please welcome ...Margie_lawson_for_guest_blog_posts
Psychologist – Writer – Presenter  Margie Lawson
With more advice on keeping romance alive and the lines of communication open. Margie promised to stop in later today to respond to your Comments, so let's get some conversation going!

At the end of a day, and the end of a weekend, we often wonder WHERE DID THE TIME GO?

Alarm_clock This easy TIME PIE exercise will show you where your time goes. You’ll see where you’re putting your energy and your priorities. You’ll also see the slice (sliver?) you’ve set aside to NURTURE your RELATIONSHIP.

Consider this exercise a baseline. A snapshot of how things are now. We’ll follow up in February to see how you’ve managed time and your relationship in the next TWO MONTHS.

I know -- it’s the holiday season and there’s so much to do, see, experience, and enjoy. It’s also a perfect time to reach out and strengthen relationships. SHOW the most important person in your life how much you care. Give them some build-your-relationship time, even a little time, and make your relationship stronger.

Take a plate, or similar large round object, place it on paper, and draw a circle around it. Now comes thePie_chart_with_pie hard part: using a ruler, divide that pie into 24 slices, representing the 24 hours in our days.

Next: Label those hours.

Most people need two pies, one for weekdays, one for weekends.

If you’re a computer whiz, you can create one on your computer and e-mail it to your friends so they can check their TIME PIE. ;-)))

Labeling those hours is tough. We know our days aren’t standard. Yet, you can come close to identifying where most of that time goes.

What did you learn? Does time master you? Or do you master time?
How much time have you set aside for your relationship each week?
How much time have you set aside for you?
We all wish we could stretch our Time Pie -- add more hours in our weeks. This exercise can help you be cognizant of where you spend your time.

My First Friday post for February will follow up on this topic. You’ve got two months to become more of an expert at managing your time. Enjoy!

Cuckoo_clock People who’ve taken my Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors course know I’m a big fan of timers. If you don’t use a timer, or two or three, treat yourself to one today!

We have to learn how to master our time. Our time is our life. If we master time, we can have the time of our l
Margie Lawson, counseling psychologist, is teaching DEFEAT SELF-DEFEATING BEHAVIORS on-line in January. For more information, please visit her web site, www.MargieLawson.com, or e-mail her at margie@margielawson.com.


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