
Showing posts from February 4, 2011

What Everybody Ought To Know About Anne Hathaway &

This girl can handle a knife an fork.  Just ask Adam Shulman who she ate with or shall we say dinner this past Wednesday.  Oh she is 28 years old, that has a lot to do with dinner. Well any way her and beau dined on Italian food together at Capo restaurant. This is really special oh how I wish my long dead gram ma could see this. I hear her now Who give's a S@# we are just happy to have food to eat. Thats old school at it's best. Now where was I Anne yea right.  I also see Anne hit the red carpet. What for you ask?  for a “sneak peak” screening of her new animated film, Rio. If I was in New York I would miss this screening. Hey I want to see the Big Apple. talk soon