
Showing posts from October 13, 2015

Get Ready to Find Out Whether You're Officially a Shopaholic

Get ready to find out whether you're officially a shopaholic. A new checklist devised by a clinical psychologist in Norway aims to help the retail-inclined decide whether they love a healthy spot of shopping or if there's actually an issue. Per Cecilie Schou Andreassen at Norway's University of Bergen, anyone agreeing or completely agreeing with at least four of the below are showing "symptoms of shopping addiction." 1. You think about shopping (or buying things) all the time. 2. You shop or buy things in order to change your mood. 3. Shopping has made you miss a daily obligation (like work, an appointment). 4. You need to shop/buy more and more to feel as good about it as you used to. 5. You try to shop less but you can't. 6. You feel bad if something prevents you from shopping/buying things. 7. You shop so much it makes you feel bad. MORE: The 1 Budget Rule Shopaholics Can Absolutely Follow